2025 Region 2 Youth Board:
Youth Director:
Noelle Yandell
Youth Vice Director:
Liliana Rivera
Fun Show Coordinator:
Marley Salkow
Fun Show Coordinator:
Ruby Neos
Youth Director Emeritus:
Sally Harrington
Click name to view profile
Youth News
Congratulations to the Region 2 Youth Judging Team!
They recently competed at the 2024 U.S. Nationals in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The Region 2 team placed 5th in every AHA Jr Team division!
In addition, Marley placed 1st in Reasons Performance and 10th in Performance Placings.
We would like to thank the Region 2 Board, local clubs and all those who donated to make this trip possible.
Go team Region 2!
2022 Region 2 - Youth Judging at the U.S. Nationals
AHA sent an email blast in September that they were offering a youth judging team scholarship. Natalie saw this and immediately went to work. She contacted other girls that she had been on teams with previously to see if they'd want to participate and go again. Despite the last minute proposal, they all said yes! She then wrote an essay and applied for the scholarship. They ended up winning the scholarship so now they all had to try and get the time off work and get reservations made.
The three teammates made it happen and reunited to compete again, this time in the senior division. The teammates were Danielle Garcia, Kate Day, and Natalie Zavala. In the end, they all received both top ten awards individually and team awards. Natalie was reserve champion overall and first in individual reasons, earning a school scholarship. This was a great feat because it was on nobody's radar this year.
The girls brushed up right beforehand but went with no practice contests or a coach. They just relied on the foundation training received years prior as juniors. They are already planning to compete again next year, in addition to being coaches/mentors for a junior team. AHASFV is looking forward to supporting both teams and we can't be more proud of their girl power, determination, and desire to pay it forward.
2022 Arabian Horse Foundation $1000 Scholarship Winner - Elizabeth Lazear
The Region 2 Scholarship winner Lizzie Lazear, graduate of Louisville High School in Woodland Hills, will be attending Cal State University Monterey Bay where she will be studying Marine Science, was also lucky enough to receive an additional scholarship from the Arabian Horse Foundation in the amount of $1,000.
Lizzie has been very active since 2015 with volunteering, participating in Hippology competition, continuing acts of service the the AHASFV Club, becoming a youth board member as treasurer coming into the Arabian Community through Taking The Reins.
Congratulation Lizzie!!
2022 Region 2 Youth Scholarship Winner - Elizabeth Lazear
"Lizzie Lazear was introduced to the Arabian horse through Taking the Reins, where they have been participating in the equine classes along with their other programs since 2015. Through AHA, you would often find them volunteering endless hours of time handing out ribbons, opening and closing gates and many other volunteer duties at several horse shows every year, including this very Championship show. They have accumulated countless hours, studying and participating in our Region's youth judging and hippology contests.
In 2020, they participated in the National Hippology competition in October. They have continued their acts of service to our organization through AHA of San Fernando Valley as well as becoming a youth board member for Region 2 as the treasurer. Graduating from Louisville High School in Woodland Hills, Lizzie will be attending Cal State University of Monterey Bay where they will be studying Marine Science. They credit their love of public speaking, self-confidence and the joy of service to their years being a part of the Arabian Horse Association, their time at Taking the Reins, and the mentors and friendships they gained along the way. Lastly, a message of thanks to the Region 2 Scholarship committee: Thank you for this award and for believing in my future."
Update from Youth Scholarship Winner Danielle Garcia!
Recipient of the 2018 and 2019 Youth Scholarships.
"Now that I find myself at the end of that 4 year undergraduate journey, I feel blessed to have had this community and Arabian horses in my corner for every step of the way. Without this motivation and contribution, finishing college early as both a sociology and community studies major would have been unfeasible. I am eternally grateful to everyone that has contributed to my success and am honored to be a part of AHA. My love for the Arabian horse has been nurtured in this space and as a recent first time Arabian horse owner I never see myself removed from this community. Our shared admiration of the love, grace, and intelligence that the Arabian horse brings to our lives is able to transcend ideologies and barriers that limit opportunity and instead allows us to contribute to each other’s lives in meaningful ways."