a_pacific_ocean_california_sunset_beach_flowers b_r2_15_western_entering_ring c_golden_empire_club_trail_ride_3780 costume_canter d_highway_ocean e_R2_16_youth_hunter f2_R2_2015_hunter_lineup f_california_shoreline g_meagan_shaffer_group_trail_ride h_region2_youth_hippology i_meagan_shaffer_fall_at_farm j_syvaha_bg k_meagan_shaffer_trail_ride2 kids_giving_carrots n_youth_trail_riding_show_horses reg2_finals_night_costume_7778 show_hack


Deadline to apply is: May 30, 2025


Region2 Scholarship flyer

It is the intent of Region 2 to award up to $2,000 in scholarships this year to a deserving Youth. Scholarships are awarded on the principals of academics, leadership, community service and involvement in equine activities.

Scholarship winners are to use the award toward undergraduate educational expenses at any institution of higher learning or vocational/trade school.  This includes colleges, universities, junior or community colleges and or trade schools.

Region 2 reserves the right to approve or disapprove the facility in question.  Our desire is to encourage and financially assist in the promotion of the continuing education of our youth beyond high school level.

For additional questions please contact Joyce Schroeder at (805) 432-6890 or email joyce18089@sbcglobal.net.


Scholarships will be presented and awarded at the Region 2 Show in Santa Barbara.

Download/view the Youth Scholarship application


• Each applicant must be a member, in good standing, of a Region 2 club for at least 12 months prior to application submission.

• Each applicant must be between the ages of 17-23

• An applicant may also be a recipient for as many as 2 years but must submit an application each time.                                    

• Each applicant must have graduated from high school and be enrolled as a freshman in college or have enrolled or already attending another type of approved school.  An applicant may be a senior in high school, at the time of the application submission if they plan to attend a shorter termed approved educational facility.

Criteria and Requirements: 

This scholarship is awarded based upon:

• Submission of the name of the accredited school/program along with any relevant information related to your desire to attend this school/program.
  Past academic achievement (submission of grade transcript)

• 1 letter of recommendation from someone unrelated to the applicant (Examples:  teacher/advisor, clergy or community leader, member of Region 2, adult horseman/horsewoman).

• In lieu of an essay, Region 2 would like you to answer 2 questions.  Your answers should not exceed 1,000 words in total.  Try to budget approximately 500 words per question. Questions and their answers should be typed or handwritten on separate sheets and submitted with the application.  Write each question and follow it with your answer.

  • Question #1   How has your experience with Arabian horses influenced you as you are today and how is it related to what you intend to do in the future?
  • Question #2   Has there been anyone that has had a positive influence in your life and please tell us what that meant to you?

If selected, you will be asked to supply an upper body, colored photograph no larger than 5x7 and the name and address of your local newspaper so that an article can be submitted for publication.

• Region 2 shall retain complete authority and control of this program and any changes made to it must be by a majority vote of its delegate members.

Selection of Recipient and Distribution of Funds:

  • Selection of the recipient will be a recommendation made by the Region 2 Scholarship Committee (created each year by the current Region 2 Director) and that the scholarship recipient then be confirmed by a majority delegate vote.
  • The Scholarship Committee shall consist of ( 3) Region 2 adult members.  The number of members shall consist of an odd number because of the possibility of needing to break a tie.
  • Upon selection and approval, a check in the full amount, will be written to the Registrar or appropriate higher education individual AFTER the recipient has shown proof of satisfactory completion of the course or semester.  If grades are given, a minimum of a “C” average must be achieved.


The Scholarship program will be reviewed every three years!


Download/view the Youth Scholarship application



2022 Region 2 Youth Scholarship Winner - Elizabeth Lazear

"Lizzie Lazear was introduced to the Arabian horse through Taking the Reins, where they have been participating in the equine classes along with their other programs since 2015. Through AHA, you would often find them volunteering endless hours of time handing out ribbons, opening and closing gates and many other volunteer duties at several horse shows every year, including this very Championship show. They have accumulated countless hours, studying and participating in our Region's youth judging and hippology contests.

In 2020, they participated in the National Hippology competition in October. They have continued their acts of service to our organization through AHA of San Fernando Valley as well as becoming a youth board member for Region 2 as the treasurer. Graduating from Louisville High School in Woodland Hills, Lizzie will be attending Cal State University of Monterey Bay where they will be studying Marine Science. They credit their love of public speaking, self-confidence and the joy of service to their years being a part of the Arabian Horse Association, their time at Taking the Reins, and the mentors and friendships they gained along the way. Lastly, a message of thanks to the Region 2 Scholarship committee: Thank you for this award and for believing in my future."

2022 Region 2 youth scholarship winner Lizzie and Misty



2021 Scholarship winners:

No scholarships awarded this year.

2020 Scholarship winners:

Congratulation to Natalie Zavala, Jaclyn Thacker, Flora ElmColone and Hayden Becker!



horse head and neck

2018reg2 driving horse

2018reg2 hunter aaotr

2018reg2 mare and foal

2018reg2 riding lesson

2020 championship show 3899

2018reg2 futurity maturity winner