a_pacific_ocean_california_sunset_beach_flowers b_r2_15_western_entering_ring c_golden_empire_club_trail_ride_3780 costume_canter d_highway_ocean e_R2_16_youth_hunter f2_R2_2015_hunter_lineup f_california_shoreline g_meagan_shaffer_group_trail_ride h_region2_youth_hippology i_meagan_shaffer_fall_at_farm j_syvaha_bg k_meagan_shaffer_trail_ride2 kids_giving_carrots n_youth_trail_riding_show_horses reg2_finals_night_costume_7778 show_hack

 To encourage the Arabian / Half-Arabian Endurance community to join and participate in the organization which protects and governs the heritage of the horses that they ride, Region 2 of the Arabian Horse Association is presenting the following challenge to the Arabian / Half-Arabian Endurance community. 

Join AHA through an AHA Region 2 local club, ride a registered Arabian / Half-Arabian in 4 endurance rides (LD included) and receive a Region 2 Endurance Challenge Bronze Level award. Ride in 6 rides and receive a Region 2 Endurance Challenge Silver Level award. Ride in 8 rides and receive a Region 2 Endurance Challenge Gold Level award. Ride in 10 rides and receive a Region 2 Endurance Challenge Platinum Level award. The miles track with the rider and riders will receive one award for the season. 

Sound easy? That is how it should sound. This is Region 2’s way of asking for your support in promoting Arabian / Half-Arabian horses as the world’s most lovable and versatile breed. 

The Arabian / Half-Arabian Endurance community has complained long and hard that AHA does not do anything for them. Well now is your chance to participate! Become an AHA member through your local AHA affiliate club, load up your horse and RIDE! 

Official Rules: 

  1. Horse must be a registered Pure Bred, Half-Arabian or Anglo-Arabian. 
  2. Rider must be a recognized member of a Region 2 affiliated club prior to June 1st of the current Challenge year. 
  3. For a ride to count the competitor must only earn a completion. Placements have no meaning in this challenge. 
  4. The period of the challenge will coincide with the AERC ride year (December 1 through November 30). 


Riders are responsible for submitting their ride results as they are posted on www.AERC.org on the official Region 2 reporting form available from Marci Cunningham at 661 324-7376, the designated contact person. You can also email her at mcunningham@bak.rr.com to request the form. 

In 2024 the Platinum Award was a choice of an embroidered jacket, Hay Sac, or $75 Riding Warehouse, Tractor Supply, or Amazon gift card; the Gold Award was an embroidered vest or $50 gift card; the Silver Award was $35 gift card or embroidered hooded sweatshirt, and the Bronze Award was a $25 gift card. 


Click here to view/download Region 2 - Endurance Challenge information in pdf format.



Arabian Horse Association Region 2 Information 

AHA Region 2 is located in Central California with borders from the Pacific Ocean in the West to the Nevada state line in the east, and from the San Fernando Valley in the South to the Bishop, Fresno, and Salinas areas in the North. For information on AHA Region 2 clubs go to their website which is located at http://www.ahareg2.org/. Here you will find a list of clubs and their locations. If you can’t access the web, a list of Region 2 clubs with phone numbers of their membership chairman or president is included. 

Region 2 Clubs 

 1. AHASFV AHA San Fernando Valley  805 300-3153 
 2. AHASJV  AHA San Joaquin Valley 559 625-2631 
 3. ADHA   Arabians of the Desert Horse Association 661 944-4356 
 4. ARAB  Association of Ridgecrest Arabian Breeders 760 377-5579 
 5. CCCAHA Central Coast of California AHA 805 773-2360 
 6. GEAHS Golden Empire Arabian Horse Society 661 324-7376 
 7. IAHC Insallah Arabian Horse Club (internet club) 760 377-5579
 8. SBAHA  Santa Barbara AHA 805 967-7540
9. SYVAHA Santa Ynez Valley AHA 805 686-1700     

If you need more information, contact Marci Cunningham at 661 324-7376 or mcunningham@bak.rr.com


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