a_pacific_ocean_california_sunset_beach_flowers b_r2_15_western_entering_ring c_golden_empire_club_trail_ride_3780 costume_canter d_highway_ocean e_R2_16_youth_hunter f2_R2_2015_hunter_lineup f_california_shoreline g_meagan_shaffer_group_trail_ride h_region2_youth_hippology i_meagan_shaffer_fall_at_farm j_syvaha_bg k_meagan_shaffer_trail_ride2 kids_giving_carrots n_youth_trail_riding_show_horses reg2_finals_night_costume_7778 show_hack

 Joyce Schroeder

My involvement with the Arabian horse began with my daughter, Laurie, many years ago leading me to trainers such as Wendy Griffith Potts working with our horses and Laurie.  I ended up working at Ventura Farms for many years in a management positon and came to know some wonderful individuals within the industry which encouraged me to join in and stay involved. 

I began with joining the Arabian Horse Association of the San Fernando Valley while at Ventua Farms, served there for several years on the Board and as President, got involved with the Region 2 Show and have assisted there as Co Manager for quite a few years.  That all led to becoming involved as a delegate within Region 2, Vice Director and then I was elected in 2019 to serve as their Director, which is an honor. 

We have a great Region and I serve with a Board of dedicated Arabian enthusiasts. I look forward to serving the region and helping to grow the interest in Arabian horses.

~ Joyce


horse head and neck

2018reg2 driving horse

2018reg2 hunter aaotr

2018reg2 mare and foal

2018reg2 riding lesson

2020 championship show 3899

2018reg2 futurity maturity winner